Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

Saat Teduh # 5 : " Debu "................. ♥♥♥♥

Sebab Dia sendiri
tahu apa kita, Dia
ingat, bahwa kita
ini debu.
( Mazmur 103:14 )
Yaa ....
Dia ingat .....
Tuhan ingat .....
Bahwa kita ini debu ......
Namun .....
Masih ingatkah kita ......
Bahwa kita ini debu ? .....
Debu yang mudah
dihembus ? ......
Debu yang tak dapat apa-
apa ? ......
Debu yang tak
berarti ? ......
Bukankah .....
Hanya oleh karena kasih
karunia-Nya saja .....
Kita ada seperti kita ada
saat ini ? ......
Jadi ......
Masihkah kita merasa
mampu ......
Hidup tanpa Dia ? .....
Masihkah kita merasa ......
diri kita lebih berharga dari
yang lainnya ? .....
Masihkah kita merasa ....
diri kita lebih suci
"supersaint" dari yang
lainnya ? .....
Think..... "who are you,
Dan Masihkah debu ini .....
Menjadi ......
Debu yang congkak ? ......
Debu yang
sombong ? .....
Debu yang angkuh ? .....
Debu yang tegar
tengkuk ? .....
'Create in me a
clean heart, O
God; and renew a
right spirit within
me. Cast me not
away from thy
presence; and
take not thy holy
spirit from me.
Restore unto me
the joy of thy
salvation; and
uphold me with
thy free spirit.'
Psalm 51:10-12
if you yearn for a clean
heart, a pure heart, free
from the blemish and ugly
stain of sin. Clean and
fresh, pure and holy.
knowing that just
expecting this to happen
won 't cut it. Every day we
need to commit to
keeping it clean. Like taking
a shower or brushing my
teeth, it is a daily task. But
not one that we can
manufacture, all we can
do is be willing to be in
God 's presence and to ask
Him to create in us a clean
heart. we have to take the
step towards God, to
confess my sin, to turn
from wrong practice and
to focus on the things of
God. This is a
commitment to be in the
presence of God. let this
be our prayer:
Lord create in me a clean
heart, O God; and renew a
right spirit within me. Cast
me not away from your
presence; and take not
your holy spirit from me.
Restore within me the joy
of your amazing salvation;
and give me a wonderful
life through your free
spirit. Amen!
Tuhan Yesus
Selamat Hari Minggu,
Selamat beribadah ...


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